Re: [hatari-devel] OS X devel compiled binary

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Yes, Alt(Option)-cmd-F does work. However, removing the keyboard shortcuts from the Full Screen and Minimize window menu items resolves the problem. Unlike SDL1, SDL2 does not appear to turn off the OS X system shortcuts when you start the application. However, if I removed the keyboard shortcuts in the NIB file for both Full Screen and Minimize, then the standard Cmd-F (full screen) and Cmd-M (mouse capture) shortcuts work as expected in Hatari.

I do not know the main() problem when you disable the OS X bundle. I think I had that problem as well. When SDL2 was implemented, I think there was a problem with a duplicate main(). The logic to remove it with an #define might be causing the problem of compiling the PPC version since you want to disable the bundle.

Bob C

> On Nov 11, 2015, at 4:29 AM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 10/11/2015 22:26, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
>> I compiled a Mac binary of Hatari with today's sources for my own use,
>> posting a link to it here if it's useful for someone else. It's compiled
>> the same way as I do releases so it should work on 10.5 and up and
>> requires no extra libraries to be installed to use.
>> I noticed using CMD-F to switch to fullscreen most often seemed to take
>> "twice" (i.e, entering and exiting directly after). Using the menu to
>> switch worked but then it was tricky to get back to windows mode again.
>> Finally succeeded by pressing CMD-F-F quickly ... 
> Seems that's it's a SDL2 bug. alt-cmd-F work.
> JV

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