Re: [hatari-devel] Obscure instruction pairing bug |
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> On 2015-06-29, at 00:19, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 28/06/2015 22:00, npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
>> Hi, I confirm there's a missing pairing, I will commit the patch later
>> tonight.
>> As for the difference between tos, it's because pal/NTSC tos have a 4
>> cycles difference per hbl, which is the just what we miss with the
>> pairing, so that's just à coincidence in fact, because mike's test code
>> doesn't set freq to 50 Hz.
> fix is commited, get it from the main repo, or from if you're only looking for a windows binary.
> Mike, just for the record, could you tell what are the name of the demo / group, so I can add a note about this in Hatari 1.9 ?
Since the demo is not yet released, I changed the code to not be broken. No need to add it in the notes.