Re: [hatari-devel] Obscure instruction pairing bug

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Hi, I confirm there's a missing pairing, I will commit the patch later tonight.
As for the difference between tos, it's because pal/NTSC tos have a 4 cycles difference per hbl, which is the just what we miss with the pairing, so that's just à coincidence in fact, because mike's test code doesn't set freq to 50 Hz.

Le 28 juin 2015 21:37, Eero Tamminen a écrit:

On sunnuntai 28 kesäkuu 2015, Mikael Degerfält wrote:
When preparing my entry for Sommarhack demo party next weekend, I ran
into an issue where my code worked fine in Hatari, but not on my STE. It
seems like Hatari is missing some obsucre instruction pairing

I boiled down the code to a visual and clear example, where the stripes
on hardware are at an angle, but vertical in Hatari. Code and binary in
the attached zip.

In Hatari, they're at angle with US TOS and vertical with UK TOS.
TOSes have different default screen update HZ.

Did you use same TOS / HZ both on your STE and in Hatari?

- Eero

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