Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari release for OSX |
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Based on Jerome’s response, I do not expect the 68060 and TT-RAM preferences to be added to the OS X dialog. I have tried to add preferences in the past, but I do not know enough about the Xcode interface builder to do it successfully.
I have seen the same SDL menu problem when using the Falcon emulation. I do not see it any other time. I do not know what causes the problem.
I have created a new nib file that translates the French text that Thorsten found in the OS X interface. You can simply copy over the existing version at hatari/src/gui-osx/English.lproj. If this nib file looks good to you, I will ask for it to be put into the repository.
Bob C
> On May 15, 2015, at 11:30 AM, Anders Eriksson <ae@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 14 May 2015, Troed Sångberg wrote:
>> Let me know if this looks ok - made a very quick stab at it.
> Hi!
> Thanks a lot of the build, it starts and works like the 1.8.0, no regression as far as I can tell.
> There are some issues however, but not due to your build.
> 1. The OS X UI is not updated to support 68060 and TT-RAM, which are the best improvements for "v1.9", see screendump:
> 2. The SDL UI texts have the wrong colour in bitplane modes. With wrong colour I mean that it draws the text in the same colour as the background.. It's not so readable :)
> Screenshot from bitplane mode:
> Screenshot from Falcon hicolour:
> Should be noted that the text colour is wrong in all Falcon bitplane modes (1, 2, 4 and 8 planes) while it does not affect TT-emulation while still using WinUAE CPU and bitplane graphic modes.
> --
> Anders Eriksson
> ae@xxxxxx
> ae@xxxxxxxxx
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