Re: [hatari-devel] bug: WinUAE CPU ignores debugger output log file

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On torstai 14 toukokuu 2015, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Le 13/05/2015 22:02, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> > I think console_out_f() should use the log file user selected.
> > 
> > As a result of this, Hatari UI throws an exception when
> > one opens the debugger window because debugger (register
> > dump) output file is empty.  To fix it, WinUAE CPU core
> > log output stuff should be handled properly.
> this is fixed ; I checked with 'd', 'm' and 'r' commands that output now
> goes to the file provided with the 'f' command.

Thanks, Python GUI's basic debugger window works now!

IMHO the fix is a bit ugly though, with global variable and
define doing if/else.

You should be able to remove the "if" by using "stdout"
instead of NULL in newcpu.c functions.

	- Eero

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