Re: [hatari-devel] GEMDOS HD emulation, Hatari cartridge program load code and TT-RAM

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On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
But is it normal that when I select this menu item
*each time* a new letter "c" appears, so that you have multiple drives
"c"? (I currently cannot verify this with real hardware.)

Of course it isn't. Just a couple of weeks ago I was playing with UltraSatan (adding new drives etc) in various old TOSes (1.04, 2.06) and there's *no cartridge icon whatsoever*. Therefore the behavior that the cartridge icon is added, even repeatedly, is absolutely a Hatari bug.

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