Re: [hatari-devel] HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core (and with EmuTOS) |
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On lauantai 10 tammikuu 2015, Uwe Seimet wrote:
> Note that I was not able to run TOS 2.06 at all, even without any drives
> attached the system crashed with 4 bombs right after the memory test.
For now, you need to use in ST/STE mode "--cpu-exact false" with
the new WinUAE CPU core. This is what Nicolas said on that subject
(in "New WinUAE CPU core ST/e compatibility?" thread):
"lots of demos are already working now in your list,
but the trick is that you should use prefetch mode, but not cycle exact
mode (prefetch mode will be similar to the old UAE cpu, so it will be a
reference to do regression tests ; WinUAE's cycle exact will be used
later, but for now it will give wrong results in nearly all cases)"
> I've now checked booting from an IDE image with TOS 4.04, and it worked
> fine for me with the new core, see attached boot message.
> The setup I used was the same as in my previous email except for TOS
> 4.04, Falcon mode, all GEMDOS drives disabled and only the IDE master
> image being attached.
Problem was with ST mode (TOS 1.04), new WinUAE CPU core and
C: being IDE image and HDDRIVER being run from floppy image.
(I was testing using IDE with ST)
And yes, it's a regression. Needs to be re-checked after Nicolas has
fixed New WinUAE CPU core ST emulation more.
> > I will check whether I also observe problems when booting from a disk
> > image later.
- Eero