Re: [hatari-devel] asm56000.ttp problem

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Has anybody got a little IDE image disk that boots under hatari which I could use to make the test ? 20 Megs would be suffisant enough I think (it was the size of my first harddrive on falcon back in 1995 ;)

Makeide from the hatari tools directory doesn't make a bootable disk.


Le 09/01/2015 00:07, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:55:58 +0100
schrieb Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx>:

I've updated hatari to the latest release.

Here is the full trace (started when I double click on tomshell.tos)

laurent@laurent-Linux:~/Atari/hatari/build/src$ ./hatari
Hatari v1.8.0, compiled on:  Jan  8 2015, 23:48:19
Configured max Hatari resolution = 832x576, optimal for ST = 832x588
update cyc speed -1 throttle 0.000000 clock_mult 512
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
1870 CPU functions
Building CPU, 45926 opcodes (3 -1 1)
CPU=68030, FPU=68882, MMU=0, JIT=0. ~cycle-exact fast 24-bit
GEMDOS HDD emulation, C: <-> /media/Win_NTFS/Data_Laurent/Jeux/Atari.
update cyc speed -1 throttle 0.000000 clock_mult 512
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
CPU cycleunit: 256 (0.500)
CPU reset PC=e00038 (ROM memory)..
OS clock ticks / second: 100
Exception 2 (e02cde) at e02cde -> e02ce6!
A-Trap A000 at 00E010A0 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A00E at 00E010C0 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A000 at 00FA023E -> 00E094EA
Exception 2 (e0184e) at e0184e -> e01836!
Exception 2 (e0184e) at e0184e -> e01836!
SPEED: 173.8 VBL/s (3456/19.9s), diff=0.0%

You have entered debug mode. Type c to continue emulation, h for help.

CPU=$e09b4a, VBL=3457, FrameCycles=74, HBL=0, LineCycles=74, DSP=$51
$00e09b4a : 2a68 0392                          movea.l $392(a0),a5

  > trace gemdos
  > c
Returning to emulation...
GEMDOS 0x4E Fsfirst("tomshell.tom", 0xe7) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS: tomshell.tom -> host:
GEMDOS 0x4F Fsnext() at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x2F Fgetdta() at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x4E Fsfirst("tomshell.tom", 0xe7) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS: tomshell.tom -> host:
GEMDOS 0x4F Fsnext() at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x3D Fopen("tomshell.tom", read-only) at PC=0xFA002A
GEMDOS: tomshell.tom -> host:
-> FD 64 (read-only -> read-only)
GEMDOS 0x42 Fseek(0, 64, 2) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x42 Fseek(0, 64, 0) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x48 Malloc(0x127) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x3F Fread(64, 39, 0x18634) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x3E Fclose(64) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x2F Fgetdta() at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x4E Fsfirst("make\make_dsp.tom", 0xe7) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS: make\make_dsp.tom -> host:
GEMDOS 0x4F Fsnext() at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x3D Fopen("make\make_dsp.tom", read-only) at PC=0xFA002A
GEMDOS: make\make_dsp.tom -> host:
-> FD 64 (read-only -> read-only)
GEMDOS 0x42 Fseek(0, 64, 2) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x42 Fseek(0, 64, 0) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x48 Malloc(0x412) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x3F Fread(64, 786, 0x1875c) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x3E Fclose(64) at PC 0xFA002A
GEMDOS 0x45 Fdup(0x1) at PC 0xFA002A
My memories might be wrong, but IIRC programs that use Fdup never
worked properly with GEMDOS HD emulation ... have you checked whether
it is working from a IDE drive image for example?


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