Re: [hatari-devel] asm56000.ttp problem

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I've just tested with hatari 1.4 and the behaviour is the same.
At first glance, I would suspect either a EOF problem (the line not working is the last one) or the parameter string used into tomshell.tos

If I call directly asm56000.ttp, I've got another behaviour.
If I call asm56000.ttp from tosshell.tos without arguments, I've got the same behaviour as above If I call asm56000.ttp from tosshell.tos with the following arguments (-A -B decoder.asm >make\debug.txt), I get the error message. I would say that the >make\debug.txt parameter is not correctly interpreted, but I have no clue how to verify this.


Le 08/01/2015 21:21, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 08/01/2015 21:17, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Hi all,

It seems that there's a bug into hatari with asm56000.ttp.
I tried to recompile the mpeg2 library for some tests and it doesn't work.
Mikro has tried on his falcon and it works.

The thread for more infos  is there :

It seems that something goes wrong when using hatari, but I don't know
exactly where to start from.
I've activated the gemdos traces but I don't see anything that jumps on me.


did you try with some older Hatari versions ? With old cpu core or new cpu core ? I guess it should not require cycle exactness, so it should work with any cpu config.
It could help to track regression.


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