Re: [hatari-devel] add support for TT ram ?

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Le 11/12/2014 11:50, Douglas Little a écrit :

    As for having more than 16 MB, I think it can also be handled
    directly in Hatari in memory.c, because we already do our own
    translations (for example to map IO regs at $ffffxxxx to $00ffxxxx).
    These translations are done at the memory_bank level, without
    requiring an MMU, so it doesn't add any cost since that's the
    generic mechanism when Hatari wants to translate a logical address
    in ST space to the physical address in the PC space.

This is probably be best place to do it - but I suspect the 68030 PMMU
tree will not permit the CPU to 'see' that mapped memory, without
modifying it. It gets first chance at translation, and the default
translation is repeat-or-buserr, from $01000000 onwards, and then the
whole lot is repeated again, noncacheable (IIRC - may have mixed up a
couple of details).

Unless Hatari is getting between the 030 and its PMMU?

Still - it makes more sense for it to work that way, and perhaps use
software (AUTO folder) to modify PMMU on the emulation side to make it

I can dig out the TOS 4.04 PMMU memory map later and post it here if it
helps any.

since hatari can map ffff0000 to 00ff0000, enabling the MMU in falcon mode should not be needed (unless you really want to add your own MMU rules)

2 cases :
- you don't need MMU in your program : keep it disabled in Hatari and Hatari will do the necessary work to have a fake mmu behaviour, handling IO regs translation and extra ram where bit 24-31 of the address are used. This should make the emulation faster, as you bypass the MMU's emulation which can add several indirections and translations' rules.

- you need the MMU : then the default TOS MMU tree should be compatible with declaring extra ram at 0x01000000 (I don't think it causes bus errors). If something is not handled by the MMU, then Hatari can add it own translation again.

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