Re: [hatari-devel] profiler cycles (was New WinUAE core issue with Bad Mood)

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On tiistai 16 joulukuu 2014, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Le 16/12/2014 00:02, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> > PS. Can I commit the TT-Ram options/GUI support now? :-)
> Yes, you can push it ; I think I will commit the rest of the code
> tomorrow.

Commited, the config option is:

> Note that extra ram will only be available when 24 bit addressing mode
> is set to false ; maybe it could be possible to grey out the extra ram
> options in the UI when ConfigureParams.System.bAddressSpace24 is true ?

Shouldn't setting TT-RAM size also set 32-bit addressing?

> Also, it will be available only with the new cpu core ; so we should
> either disable those options when compiling with old cpu core, or print
> a message to warn the user.

I can hide them when WinUAE CPU core isn't selected.

	 - Eero

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