Re: [hatari-devel] profiler cycles (was New WinUAE core issue with Bad Mood)

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On maanantai 15 joulukuu 2014, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Le 15/12/2014 21:47, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> > Both EmuTOS and TOS4 seem to set 16Mhz at boot, but TT allows booting
> > also with 8Mhz (--cpuclock 8).  Neither that, nor switching to 8Mhz
> > after boot helped.  Nor did commenting the shifting out from
> > profilecpu.c.
> Ah yes, the TOS changes the cpu freq during the boot by writing at
> 0xff8007, so this override any parameter we give at start :(
> You can try to comment the code in IoMemTabFalcon_BusCtrl_WriteByte(),
> this should prevent from going to 16 MHz.

I was able to go into 8Mhz with the other methods I described,
it just didn't help with the zero cycles issue.

	- Eero

PS. Can I commit the TT-Ram options/GUI support now? :-)

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