Re: [hatari-devel] add support for TT ram -> problem with HD emulation and DTA

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It's probably not documented what exactly happens, but it's documented that
it doesn't work. (And it does not work, indeed.)

Take care


> Le 17/12/2014 16:50, Roger Burrows a écrit :
> >On 17 Dec 2014 at 14:19, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> >
> >>Le 17/12/2014 14:05, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
> >>>Hi,
> >>>
> >>>By the way, remember that one cannot transfer data from/to TT RAM using
> >>>ACSI/DMA. So for full compatibility it should be ensured that such a
> >>>transfer does not work.
> >>>
> >>
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>yes, but it's the TOS or the specific program's responsability to
> >>allocate the correct kind of memory for DMA operations, there's nothing
> >>we can do at the HW emulation level to fix this (at best, we can print a
> >>log and ignore the read or only send '0' bytes if it's a write)
> >>
> >Exactly!  If you're using Hatari to develop programs for real machines, you
> >don't want Hatari to allow something that real machines don't.
> yes, but problem is that those bad behaviours are not necessarily
> documented.
> For example, does the ASCI write 0 bytes when dma points to bad memory, or
> does it reads bytes after masking the lower 24 bits ? Sometimes you will
> point to a region where RAM is mirrored, but sometimes you will point to
> some bus error regions (in which case the DMA won't do a bus error, but what
> value will be sent to the HDC ?)
> This is not obvious to handle in all cases, as it requires lots of tests on
> all types of machines we don't always have access to.
> Those memory issues are really difficult to handle, it requires lot of time
> to test/document them. We can add some cases as we encounter them with real
> examples, but it would take too much time to try to handle everything.
> Nicolas

   Dr. Uwe Seimet
   Senior Software Developer

   Quisma GmbH
   Quality Internet Services & Marketing

   Benzstrasse 15
   76185 Karlsruhe

   Amtsgericht München HRB 153042
   Geschäftsführung: Johann Hermann, Sascha Wittler, Markus Plattner

   Tel: +49 721 13249323
   E-Mail: uwe.seimet@xxxxxxxxxx

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