Re: [hatari-devel] add support for TT ram -> problem with HD emulation and DTA

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Le 17/12/2014 16:50, Roger Burrows a écrit :
On 17 Dec 2014 at 14:19, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

Le 17/12/2014 14:05, Uwe Seimet a écrit :

By the way, remember that one cannot transfer data from/to TT RAM using
ACSI/DMA. So for full compatibility it should be ensured that such a
transfer does not work.


yes, but it's the TOS or the specific program's responsability to
allocate the correct kind of memory for DMA operations, there's nothing
we can do at the HW emulation level to fix this (at best, we can print a
log and ignore the read or only send '0' bytes if it's a write)

Exactly!  If you're using Hatari to develop programs for real machines, you
don't want Hatari to allow something that real machines don't.

yes, but problem is that those bad behaviours are not necessarily documented.

For example, does the ASCI write 0 bytes when dma points to bad memory, or does it reads bytes after masking the lower 24 bits ? Sometimes you will point to a region where RAM is mirrored, but sometimes you will point to some bus error regions (in which case the DMA won't do a bus error, but what value will be sent to the HDC ?)

This is not obvious to handle in all cases, as it requires lots of tests on all types of machines we don't always have access to.

Those memory issues are really difficult to handle, it requires lot of time to test/document them. We can add some cases as we encounter them with real examples, but it would take too much time to try to handle everything.


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