Re: [hatari-devel] FPU disassembly fault

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Le 09/11/2014 22:03, Douglas Little a écrit :

    With next winuae cpu core, I get this :

    f200 6380                FMOVE.L FP0,D0
    f200 43a8                FSUB.L D0,FP7

    So, as the "uae" disasembler use the same routine as the opcode
    decoding, it's normal that you get the same correct result.

    But are you sure of your exemple ? you wrote "fp7,d0", but it seems
    it's fp0 if you give 6380.

Yes it was copied/pasted from Hatari's output window, and the sample is
using fp7 for all temporaries.

I checked in latest winuae code, and it outputs "FMOVE.L FP0,D0", which is wrong. Looking at the disasm code, I saw a bug in the FP register computation, so I sent a patch to WinUAE's author.

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