Re: [hatari-devel] Using device files as drive images?

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> Personally I haven't tried device files for HD image files, but
> the same File_Exists() function has worked for other device files
> (e.g. floppy and MIDI in & out).
> I don't see why that would fail in your case. [1]
> Could you provide "strace -e stat64 <hatari...>" output?

I don't think that the output is what you might expect:

>strace -e stat64 ./src/hatari --conout 2 --trace ide --ide-master
Xcounout device 2 vector redirection enabled.

Hatari v1.8.0 - the Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon emulator.

Hatari is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License.

 hatari [options] [disk image name]

Try option "-h" or "--help" to display more information.

Error while parsing argument "/dev/sdc" for option "--ide-master":
  Given file doesn't exist (or has wrong file permissions)!

Option usage:
  --ide-master <file> Emulate an IDE master harddrive with an image
+++ exited with 1 +++

Take care


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