[hatari-devel] Hatari Front-End

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I have developed a Windows front-end for Hatari (using VB6) that has a nice gui for Hatari's settings. But it's main feature is that it puts a graphic frame around Hatari's window that makes it appear as an old SC1224 monitor. This was done for nostalgic reasons of my own. However, other people I know have expressed interested in it. What I would like to know is if anybody can steer me into how to make this a cross-platform app, like Hatari itself is.

The current extent of my programming knowledge is VB6 and VB.Net Windows programming, although I started with Atari 8-bit Basic and went on to GFA Basic for the ST. I also have a lot of experience using LiSP in AutoCAD, but that is obviously not helful here.

I would be grateful for any help here. Whether it is just some guidance on what direction I need to go in or if anybody would actually be interested in helping to make this thing cross-platform. I have never done any kind of cross-platform development before, so I am a total newbie in that regard.


-Steven Elliott

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