Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari FPU instruction disassembling

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On maanantai 28 heinäkuu 2014, Douglas Little wrote:
> BTW following an earlier email about missing FPU opcodes in the debugger,
> here are a few cases I kept track of. There are probably others but I
> haven't really dug into it.

Is this with internal or external disassembler and does the other
one give you correct instructions:
$ hatari --disasm help
Disassembly settings:
        uae - use CPU core internal disassembler which has better
              instruction support
        ext - use external disassembler which has nicer output
              and supports options below
        <bitmask> - disassembly output option flags
Flag values:
        1: no brackets around absolute addressing
        2: opcodes in small letters
        4: register names in small letters
        8: stack pointer as 'SP', not 'A7'
Current settings are:
        --disasm ext --disasm 15

> $020286 : f228 6400 0008                       fmove.s   8(a0),fp0
> $02028c : f21f                                 DC.W      $f21f
> $02028e : d038 4fef                            add.b     $4fef.w,d0
> $020292 : 000c                                 DC.W      $000c
> $020294 : 4e75                                 rts
> $0201c4 : 4fef fff4                            lea       $fff4(sp),sp
> $0201c8 : f227                                 DC.W      $f227
> $0201ca : e01c                                 ror.b     #8,d4
> $0201cc : 206f 0034                            movea.l   $34(sp),a0
> $0201d0 : 226f 0038                            movea.l   $38(sp),a1
> $0201d4 : f211 4400                            fmove.s   (a1),fp0
> $0201d8 : f229 4500 0004                       fmove.s   4(a1),fp2
> $0201de : f229 4480 0008                       fmove.s   8(a1),fp1
> $020062 : 4eb9 0003 c124                       jsr       $3c124
> $020068 : 4fef 000c                            lea       $c(sp),sp
> $02006c : 3a6d 0006                            movea.w   6(a5),a5
> $020070 : 2f4d 0048                            move.l    a5,$48(sp)
> $020074 : 4cdf 7c1c                            movem.l  
> (sp)+,d2-d4/a2-a6 $020078 : f21f                                 DC.W   
>   $f21f
> $02007a : d038 6000                            add.b     $6000.w,d0
> $02007e : fabe                                 DC.W      $fabe
> $020080 : 2029 0008                            move.l    8(a1),d0
> $020084 : 6c00 ff20                            bge       $1ffa6

What are the correct instructions should be and how many opcodes they take?
3 like fmove?

	- Eero

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