[hatari-devel] Hatari FPU emulation.

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Yesterday I noticed some odd things and now wondering if Hatari emulates 68881/2 rounding control for FPU operations. I could have made a mistake somewhere but having checked the docs again and done tests it looks like a fault.

For example, this test code should perform chop rounding (round towards minus infinity). This is roughly equivalent to and'ing off the fraction of a fixed point number. i.e. if the value begins positive it remains positive and snaps towards 0. If it begins negative it remains negative and snaps towards -1.

        fmove.l    #0x60,fpcr;        rounding mode -> single precision, towards smallest/-ve       
        fmove.l    fp0,d0;                   

This however rounds positive numbers into negative numbers in Hatari when tested in practice.

Doing the same thing the manual way however...

        fscale.w #16,fp0;
        fmove.l    fp0,d0;
        swap d0;        
        ext.l d0;       

...is mostly ignoring the rounding control flags and masks off the bits directly using the integer unit. This produces correct results (for at least the 16 msbs of the expanded mantissa). I.e. if the value starts positive the result is positive, likewise -ve numbers round towards -1.

The only difference here is the reliance on rounding control. Is that feature properly tied up in the WinUAE core?

I should add that rounding control is important for correct float/integer conversion in performance apps (like games!). If you need to apply clamping after conversion it adds a lot of overhead. I doubt anyone noticed on Falcon030 due to minimal use of FPU for performance stuff but it could upset CT60 compatibility at some point. It does affect something I'm working on just now also.

BTW following an earlier email about missing FPU opcodes in the debugger, here are a few cases I kept track of. There are probably others but I haven't really dug into it.

$020286 : f228 6400 0008                       fmove.s   8(a0),fp0
$02028c : f21f                                 DC.W      $f21f
$02028e : d038 4fef                            add.b     $4fef.w,d0
$020292 : 000c                                 DC.W      $000c
$020294 : 4e75                                 rts

$0201c4 : 4fef fff4                            lea       $fff4(sp),sp
$0201c8 : f227                                 DC.W      $f227
$0201ca : e01c                                 ror.b     #8,d4
$0201cc : 206f 0034                            movea.l   $34(sp),a0
$0201d0 : 226f 0038                            movea.l   $38(sp),a1
$0201d4 : f211 4400                            fmove.s   (a1),fp0
$0201d8 : f229 4500 0004                       fmove.s   4(a1),fp2
$0201de : f229 4480 0008                       fmove.s   8(a1),fp1

$020062 : 4eb9 0003 c124                       jsr       $3c124
$020068 : 4fef 000c                            lea       $c(sp),sp
$02006c : 3a6d 0006                            movea.w   6(a5),a5
$020070 : 2f4d 0048                            move.l    a5,$48(sp)
$020074 : 4cdf 7c1c                            movem.l   (sp)+,d2-d4/a2-a6
$020078 : f21f                                 DC.W      $f21f
$02007a : d038 6000                            add.b     $6000.w,d0
$02007e : fabe                                 DC.W      $fabe
$020080 : 2029 0008                            move.l    8(a1),d0
$020084 : 6c00 ff20                            bge       $1ffa6

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