Re: [hatari-devel] Things still remaining before v1.8 release?

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----- Nicolas Pomarède  wrote:
> Le 29/07/2014 10:49, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> >
> > I will try to prepare the release this evening or tomorrow.
> >
> Release is ready, files are available here :
> Please, download the sources or the windows binary and report any 
> success/failure when compiling or running the exe (just check if the 
> program is starting and load a disk for example)
> Note that there're now 2 Windows versions : one in 32 bit mode (windows 
> xp) and one in 64 bit mode (windows 8 for example)
> Unless someone reports a problem with these files, I will post the 
> release announcement soon.
> In the meantime, please don't commit anything to the source tree.
> Nicolas

Compiles and runs without problems on my CentOS_5 1GHz P3 Abit vp6,
and CentOS_6 Dell Inspiron laptop. Tested with EmuTOS and TOS with
MIDI, printer interrupts, and Line A op codes.

Thomas' Improvements to the cmake build script made debugger command
completion work with CentOS 5 (I thought it was a non-Hatari bug).

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