Re: [hatari-devel] Things still remaining before v1.8 release?

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Le 24/07/2014 19:08, Thomas Huth a écrit :

Concerning the WinUAE core, what are you're exact plans? I also thought
about updating it (just never got the time) - i.e. mainly to sync it
with the latest version of WinUAE because AFAIK there is now a pretty
good 68030 MMU emulation in there.
Did you plan to sync with WinUAE, too?

Yes, I'd like to sync with latest winuae and then modifiy memory access functions to take into account the 4 cycles alignement necessary when STF/STE access the RAM.

This should allow to remove all the "instruction pairing" code (table based) and have accurate timing for prefetching in 68000 mode (would remove quite a lot of special cases used in shifter emulation when accessing video regs)

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