Re: [hatari-devel] Things still remaining before v1.8 release?

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Le 24/07/2014 18:31, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Thu, 24 Jul 2014 17:43:28 +0200
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède<npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

In all cases, I have some time to do the release in the next days, so
if everything is ready I will do it.

Looking forward to it ... especially since I've got a nice patch queue
pretty ready for SDL2 support that I'd like to commit after the
release ;-)

I have a few minor changes that I'd like to do after 1.8 is released and I thought 1.8.1 could be released maybe in september or so (and with STX support and games' protections, I expect some cpu prefetch issues or similar will need to be fixed).

So, maybe once 1.8 is released we should create a branch to allow your SDL2 changes (which might take more time to stabilize) and include this in a 1.9 release , but use the branch to create a 1.8.1 release if needed ?

Or maybe you consider the SDL2 changes can be included rapidly and could go in a 1.8.1 release ?

It's just about version numbering in the end, so it's not a technical issue, but I had in mind to improve winuae cpu core for hatari 1.9 and I think it will take some time to do it, so an intermediate release could be useful.


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