Re: [hatari-devel] OS X menu items and shortcuts

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On 07/06/14 05:23, Bob Carpenter wrote:
I assume you mean the keymap.txt file? The problem I see is if we remapped the mouse capture key from Cmd-M to another keyboard combination is that another user who really wanted Cmd-M would not be able to use it. That is because, by enabling the SDL events to be passed to OS X, Cmd-M would minimize the window and the user would have no way to use that key combination to capture the mouse. Since I have heard almost no complaints about the non-functional keyboard equivalents in the File menu and people do use Cmd-M for mouse capture, right now the best answer seems to be to simply leave those equivalents as non-functional and remove them from the File menu so no one is confused. Jerome, Cocoa Pod - Do you have any ideas on this? Bob C
To my mind, Shortcut are not essential (except Cmd-S, Cmd-V, Cmd-C, I never use any shorcut on Mac).

We can simply remove them and let Hatari (SDL) do the job. No ?


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