Re: [hatari-devel] YM2149 register dump from Hatari debugger

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On lauantai 31 toukokuu 2014, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Thanks for the patch!
> I think it's good to have info function for each chip
> / peripheral which contains internal state and which
> Hatari emulates, even if they're less rarely used.
> Maybe the name should be just "ym" or "psg", in case
> somebody doesn't have readline command line completion
> built in. :-)

Commited, command is just "info ym".

> I'm also a bit on the fence whether these info functions
> should be in debuginfo file itself, or where the emulation
> for that chip/peripheral is (e.g. Videl & crossbar
> info functions could be in their respective files).

And I moved the functions to their respective files.

	- Eero

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