Re: [hatari-devel] Adding more information to statusbar

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On torstai 01 toukokuu 2014, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Le 01/05/2014 19:49, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> > That's a good idea!
> > 
> > First row could be for for indicators:
> > - drive activity leds
> > - current floppy track
> > - frame skip
> > - sound/video recording led

It could look something like this:
 [] A:23 [] B:-- [] HD  FS: 0  [] REC   F1 for options
                                        Console Debugger                              

> > - possible other HW access leds (blitter, sound DMA, Mic?)

Nicolas, what do you think of showing leds for other HW,
for what HW it would make sense?

> > And second for less rarely changing information and
> > stuff useful to see in bug report screenshots:
> > - machine type
> > - CPU clock
> > - CPU type
> > - CPU core type
> > - DSP emulation type
> > - TOS version
> > - amount of RAM
> > - monitor type
> > - joystick types

It could look something like:
 4MB 16Mhz 030 (WinUAE) VGA JOY:JK--- TOS v3.06 Falcon

Any suggestions how I could best show CPU (prefetch, cycle exact,
MMU), FPU (none, 68881, 68882, internal) and DSP (none, dummy, full)
emulation options?

As space is short, which of them would be more important info
than e.g. CPU core or monitor type?

> > - spec512 colors
> > Line with more space could have also:
> > - options help info
> > - some information about enabled debug options?
> For a start, we could move as you suggest all the infos currenlty
> between "FS:" and "REC" on a 2nd line (ram, tos, machine, ...)
> I'm not sure about CPU core type, as this really depends on the exe you
> ran, and eventually it should disappear one day when we only keep
> winuae's cpu.

CPU core type has really strong effect on emulation (WinUAE core works
better for Falcon emulation, much worse for ST/STE), so accidentally
using wrong hatari build is very relevant for bug reports or when
otherwise testing Falcon compatibility with different cores.

When we have just one core, we can just replace that info in statusbar
with something else.

> Same for spec512, I always set the threshold to 1, and I think every
> user should do the same, unless you're really using programs that will
> never change colors on the same hbl.

Actually, you just provided good reason for showing the information. :)
In configuration.c, 16 is the default...

> So, I think it would be confusing.

If you think value of 1 should really be used always, change the default,
maybe add also a warning on startup if it's not 1.

> For monitor, we could put mono, rgb, gva, tv or vdi.
> Joystick can have many choices (STF, STE, parallel port). Most used are
> certainly joy 0 and 1, and maybe joypad A and B (never tested them)
> We could have sthg like : "JOY ..." if those 4 are disabled, or "JOY
> J..." if real (J)oystick is enabled on joy 0, or "JOY ..K." if STE
> joypad A is emulated using (K)eyboard ?
> This should leave some space on 2nd line for some debug options

	- Eero

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