Re: [hatari-devel] Adding more information to statusbar

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I would appreciate the additional indicators as well. I have had multiple times where I started Hatari with my gamepad connected but Hatari had the joystick port disabled. If the indicator was there, I would know immediately instead of when I started my game.

Bob C

On May 1, 2014, at 3:43 PM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Le 01/05/2014 22:26, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
>> I was thinking more of showing the enabled joystick types
>> for all the joysticks (because I never remember in which port
>> my joystick was enabled this time, or switched to with joy
>> shortcut):
>> * None: -
>> * Keyboard: K
>> * Joystick: J
>> For example if joystick in port 0 is USB one, port 1 keyboard one,
>> and nothing in parallel port nor STE joypads, it would show:
>> 	JOYS: JK---
> That's what I meant too, maybe I was not clear :)

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