Re: [hatari-devel] Diassembly output

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Which instruction disassembler you're using?
Uh? Till now I had no idea, the default one, obviously.

You can change it with: 
> setopt --disasm help
Well, OK. Now I see I was using the 'ext' one which is ... nothing (the instructions are standard 68000). Changing it to 'uae' gives a disassembly output but yes, it's not very pretty. So the question is ... how to activate this magic ext disassembler?
What instructions and for what m68k CPU model your're
68000 code
What "d pc" shows in this case?
Same (dc.w)

If you mean not executing the at all, then that's the only way:
        r pc=<address>
Cool, thanks.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes

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