[hatari-devel] Diassembly output

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I just... don't get it. Why I can't just get my instructions shown?

> cpureg 
D0: 0000ccb2 D1: 00001234 D2: 0000ffff D3: 444d4172 
D4: 00000000 D5: 00100000 D6: 00030002 D7: 00000000 
A0: 00001644 A1: 0000ccb2 A2: 00000a8b A3: 00e023c4 
A4: 000028fe A5: 00000000 A6: 00e005de A7: 00003dd8 
USP=00000000 ISP=00003dd8 MSP=00000000 VBR=00000000
T=00 S=1 M=0 X=0 N=0 Z=0 V=0 C=0 IMASK=3
FP0: 0 FP1: 0 FP2: 0 FP3: 0 
FP4: 0 FP5: 0 FP6: 0 FP7: 0 
N=0 Z=0 I=0 NAN=0
prefetch fffe23c0
00001682: 6000 fffe 23c0 0000 0228 BT .W #$fffe == 00001682 (TRUE)
next PC: 00001686
> disasm 
$001692 : 0002                                 DC.W      $0002
$001694 : eb0a                                 DC.W      $eb0a
$001696 : 0002                                 DC.W      $0002
$001698 : 0008                                 DC.W      $0008
$00169a : 4283                                 DC.W      $4283
$00169c : 162a                                 DC.W      $162a
$00169e : 0003                                 DC.W      $0003
$0016a0 : 5383                                 DC.W      $5383

I don't care about symbols, just the instructions. I've had this problem before but then forgot about it and now again. Hatari debugger really, really doesn't like me, everything I expect it to do just doesn't do at all ;)

Also, is there a way how to 'skip' instruction ('bra *' in this case) except setting PC to a new address?

Thanks for any hints, I'm getting desperate (again! :)).

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes

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