Re: [hatari-devel] New OS X compilation

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Le 20/10/13 18:57, Bob Carpenter a écrit :

I was able to launch this version. I have noticed two things though. Please try pressing Cmd-M to trap the mouse. Unfortunately, this Hatari version is also taking the Cmd-M and minimizing the window. I had to switch to another application, restore the window and go back to Hatari to be able to use it.

Also, after the window is restored, the palette is all messed up. I do not see this on the version I just compiled from Mercurial this morning. However, that version does not have any of your OS X improvements either. Is there any way to have the minimize keyboard shortcut ignored? Since people are used to that shortcut to trap the mouse in the Hatari window, having the window minimize would be a nasty surprise.

Also, while there is a menu item for full screen, only the Cmd-F shortcut actually puts Hatari into fullscreen mode.

It's a common problem with SDL.... Either you intercept event and SDL do not have them, or both will have, or only SDL. As Hatari use shortcut that are used in MacOsX (like CMD-M....), results are unpredicatable. I will try.
When you build with CMake, wich SDL build/version do you use ?

The best is that these build can be launched on nearly every intel mac, from 10.5 to 10.8, without dealing with mising frameworks, library and so on. On the MacOsX specific problem, Miguel Saro help to improve the thing, he made a lot of work to clean MacOsX sources from deprecated method, and some bug. He also worked on a native Cocoa debuger, I saw it, it's interesting, but need some change in Hatari C sources (mostly breaking some functions in part wich can be hooked to Cocoa events).

I also have Winuae build, and PPC (full version for 10.5, only SDL GUI for 10.4 and below).


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