Re: [hatari-devel] Reeking rubber analysis

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On 09/09/2013 23:03, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
Ah, ok
I'll have to test them on my falcon one of these days.

But at least, I think the ST palette may need the $fff mask.
I've thrown a little look at video.c and it seems that the st palettes
are masked ($777 for stf palette and $fff for ste palette).
So I think it may be the same for the Falcon ST palette (but I can be
wrong here).

Your advice ?

It's quite possible bits are masked, but as thomas said, the question is : what is the value of the non masked bit ? 0, 1, or "random".

There's no direct answer for this, it's only by running a small test program on a real falcon that it can be checked.


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