[hatari-devel] Reeking rumber analysis

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I've given a closer look at reeking rumber :

I can let it run under hatari by doing the following :

Under the GEM :

b pc=$0707d8

Then, start reeking rumbler by double clicking it

hen the breakpoint is reached, just do

r d5=0

and the game run

Here is the corresponding code:

The part of the code that calls the faulty function :

$06f942 : 207c 0009 3850                       movea.l   #$93850,a0
$06f948 : 4240                                 clr.w     d0
$06f94a : 323c 0100                            move.w    #$100,d1
$06f94e : 7401                                 moveq     #1,d2
$06f950 : 6100 0dd6                            bsr       $70728

The part of the code that loops forever :

$070728 : 48e7 ffe0                            movem.l d0-d7/a0-a2,-(sp)
$07072c : 4a41                                 tst.w     d1
$07072e : 6700 00ac                            beq       $707dc
$070732 : 48e7 e080                            movem.l d0-d2/a0,-(sp)
$070736 : 3f3c 0025                            move.w    #$25,-(sp)
$07073a : 4e4e                                 trap      #$e
$07073c : 544f                                 addq.w    #2,sp
$07073e : 4cdf 0107                            movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0
$070742 : 43f8 9800                            lea $ffff9800.w,a1
$070746 : 3e00                                 move.w    d0,d7
$070748 : e54f                                 lsl.w     #2,d7
$07074a : d2c7                                 adda.w    d7,a1
$07074c : 45f9 0008 d8f0                       lea       $8d8f0,a2
$070752 : 3601                                 move.w    d1,d3
$070754 : 5343                                 subq.w    #1,d3
$070756 : 24d9                                 move.l    (a1)+,(a2)+
$070758 : 51cb fffc                            dbra      d3,$70756
$07075c : 7a00                                 moveq     #0,d5
$07075e : 48e7 e080                            movem.l d0-d2/a0,-(sp)
$070762 : 3802                                 move.w    d2,d4
$070764 : 3f3c 0025                            move.w    #$25,-(sp)
$070768 : 4e4e                                 trap      #$e
$07076a : 544f                                 addq.w    #2,sp
$07076c : 51cc fff6                            dbra      d4,$70764
$070770 : 4cdf 0107                            movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0
$070774 : 43f9 0008 d8f0                       lea       $8d8f0,a1
$07077a : 45f8 9800                            lea $ffff9800.w,a2
$07077e : 3e00                                 move.w    d0,d7
$070780 : e54f                                 lsl.w     #2,d7
$070782 : d4c7                                 adda.w    d7,a2
$070784 : 3601                                 move.w    d1,d3
$070786 : 5343                                 subq.w    #1,d3
$070788 : 24d9                                 move.l    (a1)+,(a2)+
$07078a : 51cb fffc                            dbra      d3,$70788
$07078e : 45f9 0008 d8f0                       lea       $8d8f0,a2
$070794 : 2248                                 movea.l   a0,a1
$070796 : 3e00                                 move.w    d0,d7
$070798 : e54f                                 lsl.w     #2,d7
$07079a : d2c7                                 adda.w    d7,a1
$07079c : 3c01                                 move.w    d1,d6
$07079e : 5346                                 subq.w    #1,d6
$0707a0 : 2811                                 move.l    (a1),d4
$0707a2 : 2612                                 move.l    (a2),d3
$0707a4 : b803                                 cmp.b     d3,d4
$0707a6 : 6706                                 beq.s     $707ae
$0707a8 : 6202                                 bhi.s     $707ac
$0707aa : 5103                                 subq.b    #8,d3
$0707ac : 5803                                 addq.b    #4,d3
$0707ae : e19b                                 rol.l     #8,d3
$0707b0 : e19c                                 rol.l     #8,d4
$0707b2 : b803                                 cmp.b     d3,d4
$0707b4 : 6706                                 beq.s     $707bc
$0707b6 : 6202                                 bhi.s     $707ba
$0707b8 : 5103                                 subq.b    #8,d3
$0707ba : 5803                                 addq.b    #4,d3
$0707bc : e19b                                 rol.l     #8,d3
$0707be : e19c                                 rol.l     #8,d4
$0707c0 : b803                                 cmp.b     d3,d4
$0707c2 : 6706                                 beq.s     $707ca
$0707c4 : 6202                                 bhi.s     $707c8
$0707c6 : 5103                                 subq.b    #8,d3
$0707c8 : 5803                                 addq.b    #4,d3
$0707ca : 4843                                 swap      d3
$0707cc : b699                                 cmp.l     (a1)+,d3
$0707ce : 6702                                 beq.s     $707d2
$0707d0 : 7a01                                 moveq     #1,d5
$0707d2 : 24c3                                 move.l    d3,(a2)+
$0707d4 : 51ce ffca                            dbra      d6,$707a0
$0707d8 : 4a85 tst.l d5 <------- Here is the the test that never goes throw with hatari
$0707da : 6680                                 bne.s     $7075c
$0707dc : 4cdf 07ff                            movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a2
$0707e0 : 4e75                                 rts

At least, the game runs under hatari except for this infinite loop that never finishs because of this d5 register.

May this gives some ideas to somebody.



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