Re: [hatari-devel] SDL 2.0

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On keskiviikko 14 elokuu 2013, Thomas Huth wrote:
> schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > On 13/08/2013 22:36, Christer Solskogen wrote:
> > Yes, I've been following sdl mailing list in the recent months,
> > that's a great news as many things were re-written, and it should
> > have better OSX support amongst others (for the fullscreen problem we
> > had).
> > 
> > I didn't test it though, it will take time before distros add it, but
> > it's still possible to build it locally.

It seems that SDL 2.x has dropped (among many other platforms)
MiNT support that was added to SDL 1.2 a while ago...

> > Hopefully, there should not be too much changes in Hatari, as the use
> > of SDL is rather basic.

> Well, looking at it
> seems like SDL 2.0 has changed the ABI quite a bit. So there is
> certainly quite a bit to do to adapt Hatari to that new version of the
> library.

- resolution.c becomes redundant as does zooming code within
  falcon/videl.c and convert/*.c
- screen.c and hostscreen.c need changes for window/surface handling
- Atari keycode and SDL GUI text input handling need both updates
- Joystick, audio and rs232 thread handling need some minor changes too

Support for automatic zooming and multiple windows sounds nice as
does unicode support.

I don't think we'd want to support both SDL 1.x and SDL 2.x at the same
time, at least not in the same HG branch.

IMHO it's better to wait until SDL 2.x will be in most distros
(by the time next Hatari version will be released), and do the switch
in one go.
-> I wonder whether it makes sense to try to get SDL 2.x support
   to next Hatari release, it seems as it would be safer to aim for
   one after that.

	- Eero

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