Re: [hatari-devel] Bug with Falcon Emulation

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On perjantai 05 heinäkuu 2013, Douglas Little wrote:
> This was my experience last time I tried to build Hatari for OSX. No GUI
> buttons. I thought it was an issue configuring and building SDL because
> that process caused me so many problems - but perhaps it's something
> closer to Hatari's use/initialization of SDL?
> I haven't tried it since but may look again soon esp. if the state of
> this laptop PC deteriorates any further :)

OSX backend for SDL has had lots of problems that haven't been
Hatari related, SDL OSX support is just buggy.

There are very little things that can go wrong with Hatari SDL GUI
text drawing, as it's just about blitting pieces of 8-bit font surface.

To test whether 8-bit surfaces work otherwise, you can test whether
Hatari monochrome and VDI modes work, and whether forcing Hatari
to 8-bit with "--bpp 8" breaks something else[1].  If not, my guess
is it is something related to color key as that is used only with fonts.

The related code is in src/gui-sdl/sdlgui.c.

	- Eero

[1] in 8-bit mode colors used by emulated Atari can affect also
    statusbar, that is to be expected.

> D.
> On 5 July 2013 13:21, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Since some day (with the last mercurial), I have a bug in my Hatari
> > (MacOsX) Build: when I switch from ST to Falcon, in both CPU build (uae
> > or old core), I have the picture you can see in the file. No text on
> > button.
> > 
> >  It happen only when switching
> > 
> > We had this behaviour a while back. More over, HATARI hang when quit
> > (in SDL_Quit()). It happen ONLY in Falcon Mode. If Hatari start in
> > Flacon Mode, same thing, no text in the SDL Gui box.
> > I tried with clean config, same thing.
> > It happen with the two way of building Hatari, with cmake or my XCode
> > project.
> > 
> > Trace:
> > 
> > 2013-07-05 14:07:39.930 hatari[39179:1003] Could not find image named
> > 'disk'.
> > 2013-07-05 14:07:39.941 hatari[39179:1003] Could not connect the action
> > fax: to target of class NSView
> > Hatari v1.7.0, compiled on:  Jul  5 2013, 13:53:32
> > Configured max Hatari resolution = 832x576.
> > Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
> > Building CPU table for configuration: 68000 (compatible mode)
> > Changes for:
> > - blitter/rtc/dsp/machine>
> > - DSP<
> > - IO mem<
> > - reset
> > Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
> > done.
> > WARNING: strange screen size 16x480 -> aspect corrected by 32x1!
> > Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
> > Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
> > Changes for:
> > - blitter/rtc/dsp/machine>
> > - IO mem<
> > - reset
> > Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
> > done.
> > Changes for:
> > - reset
> > done.
> > Segmentation fault: 11

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