[hatari-devel] Re: Little hatari DSP disasm question

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On perjantai 21 kesäkuu 2013, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> A very little question : I'm currently playing with the DSP, and I've
> noticed that when I use the dm command, the syntax is
> dm [x y p] addr
> The natural syntax in DSP mode when using the x, y or p memory is to use
> ":" as a separator.
> The space is replaced by a ":"
> example:        move    x:my_addr,a
> Would it cost a lot of efforts to add the ":" syntax (the actual space
> separator could be kept as is) ?
> The syntax would become :   dm [x y p]:addr
> example : dm x:$200

Done: http://hg.tuxfamily.org/mercurialroot/hatari/hatari/rev/ca1624cf9896

	- Eero

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