[hatari-devel] Bug with Falcon Emulation

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Since some day (with the last mercurial), I have a bug in my Hatari (MacOsX) Build: when I switch from ST to Falcon, in both CPU build (uae or old core), I have the picture you can see in the file. No text on button. It happen only when switching We had this behaviour a while back. More over, HATARI hang when quit (in SDL_Quit()). It happen ONLY in Falcon Mode. If Hatari start in Flacon Mode, same thing, no text in the SDL Gui box.
I tried with clean config, same thing.
It happen with the two way of building Hatari, with cmake or my XCode project.


2013-07-05 14:07:39.930 hatari[39179:1003] Could not find image named 'disk'. 2013-07-05 14:07:39.941 hatari[39179:1003] Could not connect the action fax: to target of class NSView
Hatari v1.7.0, compiled on:  Jul  5 2013, 13:53:32
Configured max Hatari resolution = 832x576.
Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
Building CPU table for configuration: 68000 (compatible mode)
Changes for:
- blitter/rtc/dsp/machine>
- DSP<
- IO mem<
- reset
Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
WARNING: strange screen size 16x480 -> aspect corrected by 32x1!
Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
Changes for:
- blitter/rtc/dsp/machine>
- IO mem<
- reset
Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
Changes for:
- reset
Segmentation fault: 11

Attachment: capture.tiff
Description: TIFF image

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