Re: [hatari-devel] Loading symbol info from program DRI/GST symbol table |
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On maanantai 08 huhtikuu 2013, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> That's absolutely perfect !
> OPT D+ was the answer.
You could try whether "OPT X+" would give you longer symbol names
as DRI symbols are limited to 8 characters...
> Eero, the symbols directly in the debugger is really a great
> improvement, thanks a lot.
Good you liked it. :-)
I'm currently doing some stuff which will help to automatically
get profile data for slow frames. All it requires in your program
would be:
- symbol for frame start
- symbol for variable telling how many VBLs was spent by
previous frame
This should be pretty useful in debugging why demo or game
isn't as smooth as it should be.
- Eero
> Le 08/04/2013 04:24, Miro Kropác(ek a écrit :
> > According to my Devpac v2 manual, Devpac's linker generates DRI
> > symbol table
> > with "-D" option and "-X" option produces extended symbol
> > information (hopefully same as GST).
> >
> > If I'm not mistaken, you can set this directly in Devpac, either in
> > Options or as OPT directive directly in the source. For example OPT D-
> > disables symbols, I guess OPT D+ enables them.
> >
> > As for GCC, at least by default GCC outputs a.out format symbol
> > table, I don't know whether there's an option to generate DRI/GST
> > format.
> >
> > -Wl,--traditional-format