Re: [hatari-devel] UI/SDL problem with WinUAE build on OSX?

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Ok, thanks. I was building it directly with gcc from the shell (not using XCode IDE but the compiler that's installed with it). It was built with OSX 10.8.2, not sure which version of XCode is installed but fairly recent.

I'll take another look at building with XCode.

On 31 March 2013 15:35, Christer Solskogen <christer.solskogen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Douglas Little <doug694@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So the first & last time I tried to build Hatari 1.6.2 on OSX (with WinUAE core) I ended up with a build that appeared to run ok, but the GUI buttons were missing all the text. It also crashes when exiting (although, the missing text is the biggest problem for usability).

I left it alone at this point, assuming I had configured the build (or SDL) wrongly.

However I recently noticed this discussion:

...and it seems to describe exactly what I saw - so now I know it wasn't a mistake on my part.

I'm trying to migrate some Atari dev from Windows to OSX and would need the WinUAE version of Hatari to do this properly. I suppose I could take screenshots of the dialogs on the PC and print them out to help configure it on OSX but that seems a bit nuts to me :-) 
Does anyone know if this has been fixed, or will be fixed in the near future?


I just tried with the latest XCode, and it works without problems on my Imac with 10.8.
I used SDL that comes with homebrew. Both old-core and winuae works without any issues.


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