Re: [hatari-devel] IKBD regression with EmuTOS

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On 10/02/2013 23:00, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
as explained earlier, there's a special undocumented mode in the IKBD where
sending any 0x1a, 0x12, 0x14 or 0x08 during the reset will put the IKBD in a
mode where it reports both mouse and joystick at the same time (but joystick
button is reported in a mouse packet).
That is, even sending a disable command during reset will in fact be seen as
an enable command.


Regarding EmuTOS, I don't think this is the intended behaviour, so one
should wait for a $F1 byte after the IKBD reset command before sending other

I will fix that in EmuTOS.

Many thanks for this analysis.

Vincent Rivière

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