Re: [hatari-devel] Problem with SCSI initiator command register

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Le 07/06/2012 10:55, Uwe Seimet a écrit :

This code from my previous mail should do the same as bpl/bmi and works
under Hatari :

      move.l #12000,d1
wait1:    tst.b $fffffa23
      bne wait1
wait2:    tst.b $fffffa23
      beq wait2
      subq.l #1,d1
      bne wait1

I see, but this is too risky. It depends on the code actually detecting
a particular register value (0) instead of just checking the sign. Of
course it is unlikely that the value 0 would appear too fast for the
code to "see" it, but you never know ...

Take care


As I told in my previous mail, this is much less risky to wait for 0 than to wait for $ff if $fffa23 was started with a > 0 data register.

In that case, the transition to $ff / bmi will be very brief (maybe 20 cpu cycles or less), while the transition to 0 should be a least longer (depending on the divider in ctrl reg)

What I mean is that your code could lead to bmi not being detected if the initial data register in $fffa23 is < $80. And as you don't set this value yourself, it could happen to have $fffa23 < $80.

So, if your code is able today to detect a very short transition for $ff, it should have no problem detecting a transition with a $0 in data reg. Your "sign checking" approach can have 2 different results depending on the initial $fffa23 value. I have the feeling you only see the safest case, but consider the case where $fffa23 starts with $18 for example, and you will see the bmi phase is much shorter than a beq phase.


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