RE: [hatari-devel] Release 1.6.2 in mid May

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Hi Nicholas, All,

Before incoming release, may I ask you for small TT video improvement? I mean Hold & Sample mode and Hypermono mode (both in TT Shifter resolution - $FF8262)

According to
HyperMono mode should be quite easy to implement:
"HyperMono is a special mode that combines two of the output DACs to give 8 bits of control of the level of all three guns. The green output from the selected color palette entry provides the most significant 4 bits and the blue output provides the least significant 4 bits."

Hold & Sample mode:
" In this mode, every pixel with a colour different from 0 will 'smear', meaning that all pixels with colour 0 to the right of a pixel with colour X will be drawn in colour X. Only the left border resets the smear mode and really draws colour 0 as colour 0 until a pixel with colour<>0 follows. This mode was meant to make programming of filled-vector 3D graphics about as easy as programming wireframe vectors. Unfortunately, it stayed widely unused.."

I'm able to prepare testing application for both modes. In additional, I'm waiting for my new acquisition - TT030 (should arrive this week), therefore I'll be able to do all needed tests.

Another issue is emulated TT performance. GEMBench reports strange results, e.g. "Integer division" shows 34% of real TT. Maybe adding TT emulation to hatari_falcon.exe could fix that issue?

Many thanks


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Listengine [mailto:listengine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nicolas
> Pomarède
> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 19:58 PM
> To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [hatari-devel] Release 1.6.2 in mid May
> Hello
> We added a few changes since 1.6.1 in january (ste video, ikbd, dsp,
> 68040 mmu, ...) and I think it could be a good idea to release 1.6.2 in a not too
> distant future (for example to see the very good 'Archives'
> demo by Dune/Sector one).
> In my case, I think I will ba available to handle the release somewhere around
> mid-may, so I'd like everyone with pending modificaitions to see if they can
> be applied now, in order to be able to test them before releasing.
> If there's no modification at the moment, then it's fine, it means we can
> release without too much problem as I didn't hear about bugs due to the
> recent changes in Hatari.
> Nicolas

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