Re: [hatari-devel] Release 1.6.2 in mid May

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OK, I understand.
Thanks for the reply.

Le 18/04/2012 15:00, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 18/04/2012 14:51, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

A little question:
Someone uploaded a patch for Pasti images.
Nicolas said it was not the good way to implement this, it should be
more generic.
But I'm asking myself if this would not be a good idea to have it
implemented (if this works).
It would be the first version of Hatari which emulated this format.
We could improve code later to add the missing parts.

Nicolas ?


I have no problem with adding pasti support at early stage if it allows at least to run a few games that would not be supported up to now.

But in the case of the patch that was sent, it was basically a conversion of the pasti format to the internal .ST format. So any game with a protection would not run, as these informations can't be stored in a .ST format (this is similar to converting ST <-> MSA).

That's why I wrote that in its current state this patch should not be added to Hatari as it doesn't allow to run more disks than what we have today with ST/MSA.


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