Re: [hatari-devel] Release 1.6.2 in mid May

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Sorry for not having replied earlier, I spent some times in hollidays.

It's a good idea for me.
I won't upload anything until the release. (All my tries for videl emulation are not yet stable enough).

For the Falcon borders, there's still a problem with the STE modes (borders are wrong), but it works.

For the falcon parameters in the new cpu core, they should be configured like this :

System :

Machine: Falcon
Cpu type: 68030
cpu clock: 16 Mhz
Falcon DSP: Full

Cpu parameters:
24 bits addressing ON
Prefetch mode, slower : ON
Cycle exact, slower: ON
Real time clock emulation: ON
Patch timer-D: OFF
Blitter emulation: ON
MMU 040 emulation: OFF

68882: ON
More compatible, slower: ON

TOS: 4.02 or later

Memory ram: 14 Mib ON

Atari screen: Show STE borders : ON
(Shouldn't this one be renamed as Atari show borders (remove ST/Ste) ?

A little question:
Someone uploaded a patch for Pasti images.
Nicolas said it was not the good way to implement this, it should be more generic. But I'm asking myself if this would not be a good idea to have it implemented (if this works).
It would be the first version of Hatari which emulated this format.
We could improve code later to add the missing parts.

Nicolas ?

Best regards


Le 14/04/2012 19:58, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

We added a few changes since 1.6.1 in january (ste video, ikbd, dsp, 68040 mmu, ...) and I think it could be a good idea to release 1.6.2 in a not too distant future (for example to see the very good 'Archives' demo by Dune/Sector one).

In my case, I think I will ba available to handle the release somewhere around mid-may, so I'd like everyone with pending modificaitions to see if they can be applied now, in order to be able to test them before releasing.

If there's no modification at the moment, then it's fine, it means we can release without too much problem as I didn't hear about bugs due to the recent changes in Hatari.


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