Re: [hatari-devel] MMU emulation (was: MiNT on Hatari)

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On maanantai 19 joulukuu 2011, Thomas Huth wrote:
> Am Mon, 19 Dec 2011 07:37:16 -0800
> schrieb Jerome Ibanes <jibanes@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > Is it a fair assumption that, with this new core and implementation
> > of the MMU functions we might be able to run netbsd/atari on an
> > emulated TT as well?
> You could try, but I doubt that the TT emulation of Hatari is good
> enough already to run something like NetBSD. Hatari still lacks a lot
> of features that might be required to run such an operating system
> (e.g. emulation of the SCSI controller, the emulation of the second
> MFP, etc. )

Maybe Falcon running at 32Mhz with DSP disabled (for more speed)
using IDE disk image would be better choice?

Anyway, either one would be really interesting.  NetBSD doesn't use
TOS to access the HW, so it could reveal new bugs.

	- Eero

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