Re: [eledmac] EledPar and resumenumbering

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Hum, I think your question about the width has disturbed me, and you was asking for // columns in all case. That is, indeed, not ecological.

There are some limits in eledmac/eledpar which forbid to do want you want. I invite you to open a issue on github. We will discuss there, and then, send a mail to the list when all problem will be solved...

Le 25 août 2014 à 15:13, Sergey Kim <kimserge@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> No, it's not ok...
> I don't want to use this solution for 50 paragraphs. 
> Just imagine an parallel edition of which 46 left paragraphs have empty right paragraphs! The ecologists will kill me for such a waste of paper... 
> What I would wish is a simple one-column text with numbering, and several insertions in parallel. In such parallel insertions the left column must follow the numbering of the main text, while the right column must have a continuous numbering of its own. 
> That's it...
> Sergey

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