Re: [eledmac] EledPar and resumenumbering |
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Le 25 août 2014 à 15:00, Sergey Kim <kimserge@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> Yes, it's ok if I have only one non-paralleled paragraph, but actually I have a text of 50 paragraphs of which only 4 are in parallel.
> So the question rests the same…
50 or 1 is the same solution
> Here is what I have as text structure grosso modo:
> 1 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 1R
> 2 Unique block of text numbered according to the previous Left numbering
> 3 Same
> 4 Same
> ...
> 6 Unique block of text numbered
> 7 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 2R
> 8 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 3R
> 9 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 4R
> 10 Unique block of text numbered according to the previous Left numbering
> > One solution is to have a ~ (non breakeable space) as paragraph content.
> Thanks again for this simple solution!
I don't understand if that is ok for you or not...