Re: [eledmac] EledPar and resumenumbering |
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SergeyThat's it...What I would wish is a simple one-column text with numbering, and several insertions in parallel. In such parallel insertions the left column must follow the numbering of the main text, while the right column must have a continuous numbering of its own.No, it's not ok...I don't want to use this solution for 50 paragraphs.
Just imagine an parallel edition of which 46 left paragraphs have empty right paragraphs! The ecologists will kill me for such a waste of paper...
2014-08-25 15:07 GMT+02:00 Maïeul Rouquette <maieul@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Le 25 août 2014 à 15:00, Sergey Kim <kimserge@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> So the question rests the same…
> Yes, it's ok if I have only one non-paralleled paragraph, but actually I have a text of 50 paragraphs of which only 4 are in parallel.
50 or 1 is the same solution
I don't understand if that is ok for you or not...
> Here is what I have as text structure grosso modo:
> 1 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 1R
> 2 Unique block of text numbered according to the previous Left numbering
> 3 Same
> 4 Same
> ...
> 6 Unique block of text numbered
> 7 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 2R
> 8 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 3R
> 9 Left paragraph numbered / Right paragraph numbered 4R
> 10 Unique block of text numbered according to the previous Left numbering
> > One solution is to have a ~ (non breakeable space) as paragraph content.
> Thanks again for this simple solution!
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