Re: [eigen] Searchable "issues" repository

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On 2018-04-05 21:48, awf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I know, it's a very friendly list, and I like having it in my inbox 😊

But you know... it's a bit... not very modern, nor is bugzilla.  And I'm an old guy...

And it feels like it's been a while since anyone suggested moving the project to github, so, er: should we move to github?  [takes cover]

At least we do have an official github mirror for some time now :)

IMO, the main difference between mercurial/bitbucket and git/github is a question of convenience (way more people use the latter today). There aren't really big functional differences. Issues on bitbucket were disabled many years ago, because back at the time they lacked too many features (which is why the bugzilla-tracker was started). And if I remember correctly, mercurial was chosen instead of git, because when Eigen migrated from subversion, svn2git failed to properly import the repository at that time (I was not active in Eigen-development at that time, though).

I think the biggest "issue" with migrating to github now would be to migrate all the "issues" from bugzilla (and keep all existing attachments, links, subscriptions, etc).

Just some historical context, I don't intend to start any religion wars,

-----Original Message-----
From: Christoph Hertzberg <chtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 05 April 2018 20:38
To: eigen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [eigen] Searchable "issues" repository

On 2018-04-05 16:54, awf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

It's great to see discussions like the MKL sparse one below, but may I
make a meta-point that it would be very valuable to have it in an
"issues" format, as is available on github e.g.

Is it an option to do this for Eigen?   Would it be [another] prod towards moving to github?

Maybe even some kind of database which prioritizes and categorizes bugs and allows to express dependencies between bugs, like this:

I agree though that it is always difficult to decide when discussions should be made on the mailing list, and when they are too specific and should be made on bugzilla. Maybe the SparseMKL feature request would be worth moving to bugzilla.

OTOH, there is not that much traffic on this mailing list anyway, besides a lengthy discussion from time to time ...


 Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hertzberg

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