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It's great to see discussions like the MKL sparse one below, but may I make a meta-point that it would be very valuable to have it in an "issues" format, as is available on github e.g. https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/9147

Is it an option to do this for Eigen?   Would it be [another] prod towards moving to github?

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Lam <edward@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: 05 April 2018 14:32
To: eigen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [eigen] Intel (R) MKL IE SpBLAS support in Eigen

Would it be useful to incorporate lambda's into the interface to avoid begin/end pairs? So from the user side, we would write code like this instead:

1) Analyze and run

     SimplicialLDLT<MklSparseMatrix<double>> llt(A);
     int it = 0;
     for (int it = 0; ...; ++it) {
         if (it == 0)
             llt.matrixL().sparseAnalyzeAndRun(100, [&] { llt.solve(b); });
         // ...

2) Analyze only

     SimplicialLDLT<MklSparseMatrix<double>> llt(A);
     llt.matrixL().sparseAnalyze(100, [&] { llt.solve(b); });
     // and solve as usual

For more complicated algorithms, one can always outline the lambda and pass it into the analysis.


On 4/5/2018 8:01 AM, Gael Guennebaud wrote:
> Thank you for opening this discussion on the public mailing list.
> So let's discuss about the public API, which currently is not very 
> convenient as already noticed by others. Issues are:
> (i1) - Storing MKL's handle in SparseMatrix breaks ABI and does not 
> sounds very generic.
>       - We need a way to control:
> (i2)   - which operations are going to be analyzed/optimized,
> (i3)   - and specify the 'expected_calls' parameter.
> In order to discuss these issues, let's consider the following typical pattern: 
> (e.g., non-linear optimization, eigenvalues, ...)
> SimplicialLDLT<SparseMatrix<double> > llt(A);
> while(...) {
>      ...
> x = llt.solve(b);
> ...
> }
> Here the triangular L factor is going to be used for triangular and 
> transposed-triangular solves dozens to hundreds of time but only the 
> user of SimplicialLDLT knowns that, not SimplicialLDLT, nor 
> SparseMatrix. Moreover, the user does not own the SparseMatrix that we 
> want to analyze/optimize for. Other patterns are likely easier to handle, so let's focus on it for now.
> Regarding (i1), I would suggest to introduce a new type, say 
> MklSparseMatrix<> that would enhance SparseMatrix<> through 
> inheritance. Then for (i2) and (i3) we could imagine something like:
> MklSparseMatrix::beginAnalysis(Index expected_calls) const { // turn 
> *this to compressed mode // create handle // store expected_calls // 
> enable recording mode }
> MklSparseMatrix::endAnalysis() const { // disable recording mode // 
> [optional] call mkl_sparse_optimize }
> All states in MklSparseMatrix would be mutable.
> Between a pair of beginAnalysis/endAnalysis each call to a supported 
> operation would trigger calls to mkl_sparse_set_*_hint()/mkl_sparse_optimize.
> Optionally, we could even add a "dryrun" mode for which no operation 
> would be performed, only calls to mkl_sparse_set_*_hint() and then 
> mkl_sparse_optimize would be called in endAnalysis(). This way 
> mkl_sparse_optimize() would be called only once.
> And that's it. Our example would look-like:
> SimplicialLDLT<MklSparseMatrix<double> > llt(A); int it=0;
> while(...) {
>      ...
>      if(it==0) llt.matrixL().beginAnalysis(100); x = llt.solve(b);
> if(it==0) llt.matrixL().endAnalysis(); ...
> ++it;
> }
> or using a "dry-run" mode:
> SimplicialLDLT<MklSparseMatrix<double> > llt(A);
> llt.matrixL().beginAnalysis(100, DryRun); x = llt.solve(b); // 
> permutation and division by the diagonal matrix D would still be 
> performed, but calls to actual triangular solves would be by-passed 
> llt.matrixL().endAnalysis();
> while(...) {
>      ...
>      x = llt.solve(b);
> ...
> }
> If someone directly deal with the factor L, then we could follow the 
> same pattern or copy the SparseMatrix factor L to a MklSparseMatrix:
> SimplicialLLT<SparseMatrix<double> > llt(A);
> MklSparseMatrix L(llt.matrixL());
> L.beginAnalysis(100,DryRun);
> y = L.triangularView<Lower>() * x;
> L.endAnalysis();
> while(...) {
>      ...
> y = L.triangularView<Lower>() * x;
> ...
> }
> This design in quite general and expendable to any sparse-optimizers, 
> even built-in ones in the future.
> In contrast to the current proposal, only selected operations would be 
> passed to MKL (need to use a MklSparseMatrix + begin/end recording phase).
> What do you think?
> gael
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 11:39 PM, Zhukova, Maria 
> <maria.zhukova@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:maria.zhukova@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Hello Eigen community,
>     My name is Maria Zhukova and I’m a software development engineer at Intel ®
>     MKL Sparse team.
>     My team is interested in contributing into Eigen, so I’ve investigated our
>     possibilities and so far this is what I have:
>     Eigen support different operations for sparse matrices stored in CSR and CSC
>     format which can be implemented on a basis of IE SpBLAS kernels (please,
>     refer to
>     https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-inspector-executor-sparse-blas-routines
>     <https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-inspector-executor-sparse-blas-routines>
>     for the general idea of interfaces)
>     , basically we want to implement calls to our IE SpBLAS into next
>     operations:____
>                      SparseMatrix + SparseMatrix (mkl_sparse_?_add)
>                      SparseMatrix * DenseVector  (mkl_sparse_?_mv)____
>                      SparseMatrix * DenseMatrix   
> (mkl_sparse_?_mm)____
>                      SparseMatrix * SparseMatrix  (mkl_sparse_spmm),
>     and Triangular solve (mkl_sparse_?_trsv).____
>     I’ve already started with implementation of sparse_time_dense_impl_mkl
>     kernel which is based on mkl_sparse_?_mv (included in patch).____
>     This is how it will look like for user:
>     *#include <Eigen/SpBLASSupport> *<-- *NEW:* IE SpBLAS include 
> module ____
>     void main () {
>        SparseMatrix<double, RowMajor> A;
>       Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1> x, y;
>        A.makeCompressed(); /* Convert matrix A into CSR/CSC format */
>     *A.createSparseHandle();*/* *NEW*: is used to create handle required for all
>     IE SpBLAS routines */____
>     // support of IE SpBLAS is here
>     y = beta*y + alpha*A*x; /* call to mkl_sparse_?_mv with operation =
>     y = beta*y + alpha*A.transpose()*x; /* call to mkl_sparse_?_mv with
>     y = beta*y + alpha*A.adjoint()*x; /* call to mkl_sparse_?_mv with operation
>     *A.destroySparseHandle();* /* *NEW*: is used to delete created handle */
>     }____
>     __ __
>     I’ve attached a draft patch including all necessary changes and would like
>     to hear your feedback.
>     Please, let me know if you have any questions and comments.____
>     __ __
>     Best regards,
>     Maria____
>     __ __
>     __ __
>     __ __

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