Re: [eigen] Release plan

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Is there any plan to tackle Bug 279,
about mixing scalar types in operations
like matrix product?  I still need this
for efficient reverse-mode algorithmic

We're getting ready to release
our Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler, and for
now, I've had to code around all of your
expressions and wrap all the doubles in
auto-diff variables, which isn't ideal for
efficiency, maintainability and most
importantly, the generality of client interface.

Thanks again for the patch in 3.0.1
allowing more flexible library plugins.  The
new version works with our auto-dif without
my having to rip out std:: declarations.

We're also using Eigen for other projects,
and it's so far been a joy to work with in terms
of its clean interface and helpful doc.

- Bob Carpenter
  Columbia University, Department of Statistics

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