Re: [eigen] Eigen::Matrix and cv::Mat conversions

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I had a similar problem dealing with Eigen and OpenCV and I guess (at least for fixed-size matrices) the best way is to let Eigen do the memory handling and just make a wrapper such that OpenCV can access the matrix. Also I found out, that a very lot of OpenCV C++ methods are actually just wrappers around C methods, so I stayed with CvMat (cv::Mat does not give you any actual compile-time type checking or better performance ...)

See below what I came up with, and which 'works for me',

hth Christoph

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <cv.h>

template<class f_type>
struct cv_f_type;

struct cv_f_type<double>
	enum {value = CV_64F};

struct cv_f_type<float>
	enum {value = CV_32F};

// add further specializations for other types if required ...

 * cv_mat wraps a CvMat around an Eigen Matrix
template<class f_type, int rows, int cols>
class cv_mat : public Eigen::Matrix<f_type, rows, cols, Eigen::RowMajor>
	typedef Eigen::Matrix<f_type, rows, cols, Eigen::RowMajor> base_type;
	enum {type_ = cv_f_type<f_type>::value};
	CvMat cv_mat_;

		cv_mat_ = cvMat(rows, cols, type_, base_type::data());

	cv_mat(const cv_mat& oth) : base_type(oth)
		cv_mat_ = cvMat(rows, cols, type_, base_type::data());

	template<class Derived>
	cv_mat(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &value) : base_type(value)
		cv_mat_ = cvMat(rows, cols, type_, base_type::data());

	template<class Derived>
	cv_mat& operator=(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &value)
		return *this;

	cv_mat& operator=(const cv_mat& value)
		return *this;
	CvMat* operator&()
		return &cv_mat_;
	const CvMat* operator&() const
		return &cv_mat_;

Dipl.-Inf. Christoph Hertzberg
Cartesium 0.051
Universität Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5
28359 Bremen

Tel: (+49) 421-218-64252

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